Coming Soon
Revive . . Renew . . Charismatic . .
Revive . . Renew . . Charismatic . .
At Rosary Retreat Centre, guided by our spiritual motto, “Through Mary to Jesus,” we envision a spiritual renewal of the faithful by deepening their faith, experiencing revival in their lives, and renewing their commitment to the new life in Christ. We aspire to inspire all to become charismatic witnesses and committed to the Risen Lord Jesus, following the path of our Holy Mother Mary, the new Eve, whose “Yes” was instrumental in bringing our Savior into the world.
At the core of this retreat experience is a transformative encounter with the love of God. Through the Word of God and the powerful presence of the Blessed Sacraments, God speaks, touches, and heals participants.
Accommodation and dining facilities are provided on campus for all participants. The retreat at Rosary Retreat Centre, rooted in Catholic sacramental and charismatic spirituality.
Coming soon . . .
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These retreats are designed to provide participants through various sessions to bring faith renewal in their life.
Powerful testimonies from those who have experienced the transformative power in the retreat programs.